Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. It is situated 230 km away from Kathmandu in the Rupandehi District of Southern Terai (lowland), at an altitude of 600 ft above sea level. Lumbini, respected by all Buddhists. In 1998, Lumbini was declared as the Fountain of world peace and the pilgrimage for all the peace loving people of the world. Some important places in Lumbini are: The Lumbini Garden: This is the site marked by a certain stone pillar erected by the Indian Emperor Ashoka at about 245 B.C. The most important discovery in this place is a stone marked to suggest the exact birthplace of Buddha. Mayadevi Temple: This temple, dedicated to the mother of lord Buddha-Maya Devi, was excavated a few years ago. Many sculptures and carving in which the figures and designs are only slightly projecting from their backgroung are seen here. This temple is in the process of beginning restored by the Lumbini Development Trust. Pushkarni Pond: This is the pond where Mayadevi is said to have had a bath before giving birth to Buddha. Ramagram: It is believed to be the maternal home of Buddha. This is where we can see the biggest stupa, with important relics. It is said that it was built around 600 B.C. Ashoka Pillar: It is the most important sight being the massive stone pillar erected by the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka in 250 B.C., which was found only in 1985.
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