siddartha Gautam or lord budhha was born in nepal not in india. the above information proves that lord budhha was born in nepal. beside of this we hav got many proofs regardin this like ashoka pillar in lumbini the birth place of lord budhha. the physical structure that is in lumbini and his maternal uncle house (mama ghar) that is still in devdaha and so on.
although the indian government says that lord budhha was born in nepal but there are many proofs that states that they are wrong. one can only copy but canot chane the fact.
i know that many people in the world still belives that lord budhha was born in india but its all due to lack of proper advertisment abt this . i think its all due to the carelesness of neplease govenment. i thnk that if all of we donot pay attention towards this than the day will come that people will say lord budhha was born in india .
so i think all the neplease should pay attention towads this . only sayin doesnt works we hav to work 4 this.
in one quiz book that was published by indian govenment i had seen that there it was written 'sagarmatha the highest peak of nepal lies in india' it proves that the indian wants to dominate us. why they dont try to understand that how much we press the fall it will rise at the same level in the sky'
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